This table records the records for various Titteringtons
This table records the records for various Titteringtons
The Post-Star, Glenn Falls, N.Y., 21st February, 1945
The table below records the BURIALS for those named Titterington at St John's Church, Kilwarlin. The data was kindly provided by the Church.
The table below records the BURIALS for those named Titterington at St John's Church, Kilwarlin. The data was kindly provided by the Church.
This table records mainly BIRTH RECORDS and a few MARRIAGES for Titteringtons
This table records mainly BIRTH RECORDS and a few MARRIAGES for Titteringtons
Wa7 John b.c. 1709 & Joseph b.c. 1710
This tree briefly presents the two families of John and Joseph, sons of John Titterington b. 1662. Joseph's line develops to generate John and Dorothy Corren's line (Linda and Anne's branches) and also Adam's branch
Wa7 John b.c. 1709 & Joseph b.c. 1710
This tree briefly presents the two families of John and Joseph, sons of John Titterington b. 1662. Joseph's line develops to generate John and Dorothy Corren's line (Linda and Anne's branches) and also Adam's branch
John's Tree

The Titteringtons of Northern Ireland

Wb15 The Will of Mary Titterington dod 1866
The Will of Mary Titterington late of Lurganville County Down Widow who died 23 September 1886 at same place was proved at Belfast by William Carlisle of Corcreeny in said County Farmer one of the Executors.
£315 12s
Her Will - see Will Calendars at Proni records that she died 23 September 1886 and not 1909. Her will is as follows:
Mary Titterington
In the name of God, Amen. This fifth day of August, in the Year of our Lord, One thousand, eight hundred and eighty six, I Mary Titterington in the townland of Lurganville, parish of Moira and County of Down, being weak in body but sound in Mind and perfect in understanding do make this my last Will and Testament as follow. At my decease, I bequeath to my son Thomas Henry Titterington the sum of one shilling. I bequeath to my son Richard Titterington the sum of one shilling. I bequeath to my son John Titterington the sum of one shilling. I bequeath to my son Samuel Titterington the sum of one shilling. I bequeath to my daughtr Abigail Dillon the sum of one shilling. I bequeath to my daughter Margaret Walker the sum of one pound sterling. I bequeath to my daughter Eliza Jane Tittrington the sum of one pound sterling. I bequeath to my daughter Mary Ann Titterington the sum of twenty pounds sterling. I bequeath to Dorothea Titterington the sum of five shillings. I bequeath to my grandson Richard Walker the sum of five shillings. All the aforesaid legatees to be paid in one year after my decease. I bequeath to my son James Titterington all the house and land I am living on and also all the cottier houses save one with paying the two thirds of all the just debts against me. I bequeath to my son Robert Titterington all the house and land he is living on and also one cottier house so long as my son James keeps the place but no longer with paying the one third of all the just debts against me. And I hereby nominate and appoint William Carlisle of Corcreeny and Walter Johnston of Ballykeelartifinney to be my lawful execurtors in the execution of this my last Will and Testament. Signed by the said Mary Titterington Testator in the presence of us present and at the same time who in her presence have subscribed our names as witnesses.
Mary Titterington Testator - her mark
Witnesses present - James malcolm and Nathaniel Heslem Witness at wedding: John Wals
Wb15 The Will of James Titterington dod 1917
The Will of James Titterington who died, 6th August, 1917
Probate of the Will of James Titterington late of Bottear Moira County Down Farmer (Retired) who died 6 August 1917 granted at Belfast to Mary Titterington the Widow and James Beattie Farmer.
£248 2s. 7d.