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The Churches of Kilwarlin

St John’s Parish Church of  Upper Kilwarlin is in a Parish formed from Hillsborough, Dromore and Moira.  These are all parishes that can easily be found in the Church Records for many Titterington family members.  It is situated in the townland of Corcreeny which is about three miles south-west of Hillsborough.

St James Church is in Lower Kilwarlin.  Both churches, built within a year of each other, were for the use of rural parishioners who lived too far from older churches in the area.


The townland of Lurganville is often referred to as Kilwarlin.  It comprises the land where St Colman’s Church, the old primary school and football field, and the terrace housing called Lagan View are all located. 


The townland of Lurganville is well east of Moira, as are both Ballygowan and Ballyknock.

St John’s Church is situated in the townland of Ballygowan.  It can be found just off the Ballygown Road which runs through Donaghcloney.


St James’s Church can be found in Ballyknock Townland.  It is along the Laney Road known as Flatfield, which is the road from Moira to Hillsborough.

The old Lagan Canal used to run through part of Kilwarlin before it was filled in during the 1960s as part of the preparation for the M1 motorway.  The canal was used by barges to carry coal up and down the canal with horses travelling alongside them.



Other townlands that can be found in the Kilwarlin district include Tullyard, Bottier and Ballymagaraghan.


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